Minggu, 21 September 2008

School Holiday Promise

The two-week school holiday officially started on the weekend. You all know what that means, of course. Just the thought of having the 4 kids around me the whole day for the next 14 days tires me already. Not that I don't like having them around the house...it is, in reality, more work to do - more cleaning up, more cooking, and all those related stuff and I have less computer time (ha ha).

But I promised myself I won't let the eternal household chores get in the way of me working on things for my newly-opened Etsy shop. No pain, no gain, right? I asked my daughter to keep guard. She needs to motivate and encourage me when I begin to feel like slowing down.

I feel great today because after weeks of working on this, I finally managed to finish my Mousie Heart Bear eBook. The pattern and instructions are now available as a PDF on my shop, so if you want to make one yourself (instead of buying the ready-made doll), you can now go ahead and purchase it....please...pretty please...

Now I have to do some cleaning up for a while...I'll be back with some new stuff, that's my school holiday promise.

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