Senin, 08 April 2013


You know how I recently bought an ice cream maker so I could make good use of leftover eggyolks?  Well, I have already made 6 ice cream flavours to date but only one actually had eggyolks in it.  Aside from discovering that ice cream can be as creamy and rich without eggs (thanks to this great book), I also want to say that my use of eggyolks has been wonderfully diverted elsewhere.

Ensaimadas.  I've mentioned these lovely buns in my last post. They have been a treat to make!  Tedious, yes, but the end result is more than gratifying.  I am even looking forward to those leftover eggyolks these days!

Fresh out of the oven.
Buttered, sprinkled with sugar, and topped with grated vintage cheddar cheese.
So fluffy and soft!
Wrapped just the way my aunts do it.
When I eat these ensaimadas, even for just a moment, I feel like I'm home.  Come to think of it, up until now, I've never eaten this outside the Philippines.  And it has always been my aunts' ensaimadas, no one else's ever!

"Home is where your heart is."  True?  I've been living in Australia for more than 12 years now and I have known all along where my heart really is.

For a great recipe and step by step tutorial on how to make ensaimada, head on over here.

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