Jumat, 17 September 2010

Super Mario character cupcakes

A family friend's son is having his 7th birthday party today. The parents had earlier ordered a Super Mario themed birthday cake from the local bakeshop but had later decided they wanted cupcakes for the party as well. Yesterday, at the last minute, the boy's mom asked me if she could order 24 red velvet cupcakes from me, preferably with the mushroom character from Super Mario as topper. Given the short notice, I really wanted to decline but I just couldn't and didn't have the heart to. You see, the birthday boy has actually become quite close to me as he rides with us from school everyday and I wanted him, of course, to have a fun party. So yeah, I said yes.

Frankly, I had no idea what to do. I thought I could model the figures with gumpaste but then, given my poor knowledge in this area of cake decorating, how could I pull it off in so short a time? I tried to remember a few techniques I have learned from my frequent visits to cake decorating websites.

Luckily, I had some coloured gumpaste ready, plus I had the tools needed. Yesterday afternoon, in between doing the laundry, picking my kids up from school and feeding them, I came up with these...

The mushroom figures actually turned out pretty straightforward to do. Not perfect, I know, but then, I didn't expect perfect. Early this morning, I baked the cupcakes and before lunch, had all of them frosted, done and ready to go! 

I could only hope the birthday boy likes them. As for me, it was a pleasure making the toppers. I always enjoy learning something new.

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