Before I go into talking about the iPhone case, let me tell you first about how I got the iPhone. Well, my husband brought it home one day recently as a surprise for me. No, he did not make an outright purchase (we certainly do not buy expensive stuff like this!), but the phone came with those "0 upfront, 24-month mobile phone plans". Why he made the seemingly impulsive decision to change my perfectly good old phone and switch to a different post-paid plan, he only knows. I wouldn't say the generous gesture came as a surprise...rather, it was a shock. Honestly, I hardly get any presents even when there is an occasion...The iPhone, as cool as it is, is not really something I need. I am rarely on the phone, I am not a text messaging addict, I only listen to music while I'm ironing clothes, and I have internet access from a desktop computer that's on nearly all day. I don't want to sound unappreciative, but yeah, the iPhone seems too much of a luxury for me.But I must say, it is one magnificent phone...I am lucky to be the owner of one...and my kids are having fun with it as well.And so, such magnificence only deserves the coolest of carry cases.iPhone case version 3.0That is what my son calls my carry case. I've spent countless hours figuring out how I was going to go about sewing up one that will meet all my requirements. It needed to be padded to give the phone extra protection. It had to have a secure and big enough storage space for the headset and stylus. I should be able to easily access the headset jack. And I should be able to carry it around hands-free. Plus, it needs to be pretty!
Three tries later, this is what I ended up with. (I showed the first version on my previous post.)
Front view (button loop closure, swivel hook attachment, detachable neck strap)
Padded interior ensures a safe and perfect fit
Pleated back pocket

Velcro pocket closure
Phone accessories stored securely
Open top with headset plugged in
It was quite difficult to sew up considering the small size and the thickness, but the case does meet my criteria. I am really happy with it. What do you think?
UPDATE (6/6/09): PDF Sewing Instructions for this iPhone Carry Case now available in my Etsy shop!