It all started two Sundays ago when my eldest son, Francis, twisted his right ankle while playing basketball with his dad. His ankle became badly swollen almost immediately and my husband, feeling all guilty about it, had a doctor come to the house to have a look. As expected, my son had to go for an x-ray the following morning. Then came the next visit to another doctor to show the prints. The injury, thankfully, turned out, to be a sprain and not a fractured bone. Francis was advised to stay home for the next three days to rest. He went back to school that Thursday and seemed well on his way to complete recovery.
Friday evening, I started having palpitations. As I would normally do, I paid no attention to it. The palpitations got worst through the heart rate went past a hundred beats a minute and I was short of breath. In the meantime, Francis complained on Sunday of more pain in his ankle. The swelling returned and his ankle became bruised all over. He couldn't walk again.
Monday morning, we were back at the doctor's...Francis and I were both having a checkup.
For an unknown reason, my son apparently re-injured himself. The doctor was really concerned about the bruising and had him scheduled for an ultrasound. And he had to stay home and recuperate for the rest of the week. As for me, my heart rate was still high as, so off I went to have a blood test and a chest x-ray.
Wednesday, I was back with the doctor again to see my test results. Both x-ray and blood test turned out ok but since I wasn't getting much better, I had to undergo an ECG! That, too, turned out normal. The only conclusion the doctor could give me, for lack of any other conclusion, was that my heart was acting weird because of a virus. You see, I also have a cold...
Thursday...the scheduled ultrasound. That was in the afternoon. Before lunchtime, my other son's school rang to say that Joseph was in sick bay and had to be picked up early. He had a bad headache and was complaining of pain in his ear.
Finally, today is Friday. I'm making that trip to the doctor again, bringing my two boys along. I have to show the ultrasound prints and then have Joseph's ear checked out.
Me? I am better but not 100%. But just like all other moms, I try and ignore the sick feeling. There's simply no time for it. Amidst the palpitations I was having, I still had to do the usual stuff - take my two other kids to school, do the laundry, clean up the house, go to the supermarket, cook, and so on and so forth.
It's just what mothers do...look after everyone else. I am truly at peace with that. However, in times like these, I just wish my own mom was here to look after me...
Well, anyway, I still managed to squeeze in a bit of sewing in between all those trips to the doctor. I finished this bag, the pattern of which came from this magazine.

The market bag is the one pictured on the cover. Here is the front and back views of my version...
It's a huge bag that would fit a whole lot of stuff. I don't think I'll be using this to the market though. Too pretty. (I used the "Celebrate Spring" charm pack by Moda.)
Hope you all have a sickness-free weekend ahead!
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