Before anything else, let me just say that I am doing this post while my computer monitor is slowly dying. Yesterday, the screen colour shifted from normal to pinkish and now, it's greenish. These are definitely signs that it's life is nearing its end. So, if the photos I uploaded to go with this post are blurry or unclear in any way, please excuse me because I have no way of knowing at the moment how they really appear on screen...
Making a wallet...that's been on my mind for the longest time. I've been searching the web for nice patterns but to date, I have not found one that I truly like. Yesterday, I finally tried making one from scratch. Unfortunately, the outcome wasn't 100% satisfactory. My biggest fault was that I was too eager and so made a lot of mistakes along the way...mistakes such as miscalculations and inaccurate seam allowances. And thinking I could pull this off without careful planning, I had used a really nice Japanese fabric I had just purchased for another project!
The effort (and the fabrics) weren't totally wasted though. The wallet, with all its faults, is quite presentable and completely usable. You be the judge...

As you can see from the photos, the wallet has the usual credit card slots and pocket for bills. There is also a fairly large zippered compartment for coins. The errors I made? The first row of card slots got a bit shorter than what they should be as I had sewn a larger seam allowance in the bottom (grrrrr...). Also, I had wrongly installed the 'female' part of the snap fastener on the flap. Lastly, the upper pocket, being a last minute addition, seems useless to me...
Since last night, I have been busy drafting changes and improvements to my pattern and I think I now know what it is I want exactly. Pretty excited to work on that for the next few days...