Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Give-away Day 2008

I am going to make this a quick post...I can just imagine how much sites you have to visit today to have a chance to win great handmade items from Sew Mama Sew's Give-away Day (3rd of December 2008). I am just happy to participate and be able to share one of things I've worked on this past year.

Do you remember these little cuties?

I came up with the pattern and instructions for the Mousie Heart Bear sometime in September. This softie was in fact the inspiration for my Etsy shop 'Simple Things'. It is very easy to sew even for a beginner and only requires fabric scraps to assemble. Hope you can give it a go!

As part of Give-away Day, I am offering the Mousie Heart Bear eBook for FREE to three (3) lucky readers. All you have to do is leave a comment here. I would appreciate it if you could give me some crafting suggestions as I'd like to try out some new things next year.

I will be using a random number generator to determine the winners. Check back on the 4th to see if you've won! The eBook (which is a PDF document) will be sent promptly via email so you can start making your softie right away. Make this part of your handmade holiday gift list and do join in!

UPDATE: It seems Sew Mama Sew missed my email, thus, failing to include my blog on their list. I have already informed them and hope to have my giveaway listed very soon. Also, I am extending the giveaway period until Sunday so more people can have a chance to participate. Will announce the winner on Monday!

Hope everyone's enjoying this Giveaway day!

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