Minggu, 16 November 2008

TUTORIAL: How to Make Personalized Key chains (Handmade Holiday Gift Idea #2)

Personalized key chains...another super easy project. So easy, in fact, you might find it boring... especially so if your sewing machine is capable of embroidery. Mine isn't and so I had to stitch each name in small pieces of Aida cloth.

To be honest, I had these names sewn many weeks ago with the intention of using them for personalized fabric journal covers. After completing just one, I simply got lazy to do more. Hence, these appliques were set aside for some other use. Which brings us back to the key chains...

If your machine can embroider, you don't need these appliques. But if you have to make them, I suggest you use a backstitch alphabet pattern to keep the letters small. Cut the piece to size and fuse with interfacing to stabilize it. You can take a look at this and this for some alphabet patterns if you wish.

Let's start the tutorial now, shall we?

6" by 4" printed cotton fabric
6" by 3" stiff fusible interfacing
4mm eyelet
1 piece key chain part (sorry, I don't know what to call it!)
1 3/4" key ring or large jumpring
optional beads, charms
embroidered name on Aida scrap, if using

How to:
1. Prepare all your materials. If you haven't installed an eyelet before, do not be intimidated. It is super simple. A small packet of eyelets come with the needed tools.

2. Center your interfacing to wrong side of fabric such that 1/2" on both long sides will remain uninterfaced. Fuse.

3. Fold in the uninterfaced 1/2" on both sides.

4. Fold shorter sides to the center and press well.

5. Turn your fabric over. Position your applique on the upper half of your strip, about 1/4" from the left edge. Using a medium width, small length zigzag stitch, sew applique all around. Alternatively, simply machine embroider the letters directly on the fabric. (I have done this step now so that the stitches will not show in the back later.)

Tip: Apply some glue stick on the back of your applique, position it on your fabric, then iron on. It will stay in place while you stitch.

6. Fold fabric in half to end up with a 3" by 1 1/2" piece. Topstitch all around close to the edges.

7. With applique side up and following the manufacturer's instructions, install the eyelet on the center right side, about 1/4" from the edge.

8. Insert key ring through the eyelet. Finish off by attaching the key chain part. Embellish with charms and beads if desired.

Go on and try it! I'm off now to think of more gift ideas...will be back soon!

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