Minggu, 06 November 2011

Mango and Cream Cake

 I've been asked many times to share the recipe I use for my mango cake.  I have not (till now), because, in order to make a good mango cake (meaning, using fresh mangoes only and not canned!), I have to patiently wait for the mango season here.  Unlike in the Philippines where I grew up, mangoes, even during the summer months here in Australia, are not as readily and as cheaply available.

Anyway, with some luck, I found relatively inexpensive, good-sized mangoes at Aldi.  They were 99 cents a piece.  Still not as cheap as I would have wanted but the price should go down more in the coming months.

Made this for my brother's advanced birthday celebration.
There is nothing extra special about this kind of cake.  For me, it all simply comes together beautifully because of the mangoes.  The cake is just a basic chiffon flavoured with vanilla and a little of something citrus like lemon or orange (just like the caramel cake).  The frosting is again my favourite whipped cream frosting (used in both the purple yam and cookies and cream cakes). 

MANGO AND CREAM CAKE (recipe suitable for two 9" by 2 1/2" round pans, or one 10" by 3" round pan)

Chiffon Cake:
2 1/4 cups sifted cake flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup white sugar

1/2 cup corn/canola oil
7 egg yolks, from large eggs, at room temperature
2/3 cup water **
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon lemon or orange extract

7 eggwhites
1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

3/4 cup white sugar

**In my earlier attempts at making this cake, I used mango nectar/juice (instead of water ) to give flavour to the cake, but found the resulting cake colour unappealing to me.  So I just ditched it and put the mango goodness to work on the frosting instead.  Much better, I would definitely say.

1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius. Line bottom of baking pans with parchment paper.  Do not grease pans.
2. In a large bowl, combine {A} well. Add in {B}. Beat with electric mixer or by hand until smooth and well blended.
3. In a separate bowl, beat {C} on high speed until frothy. Gradually add in the sugar {D} and beat until stiff peaks are formed. Gradually and gently fold in egg whites into egg yolk mixture. Pour batter into baking pans.  If using two 9" pans, divide the batter equally.
4. Bake for about 55 minutes or until top springs back when lightly touched. Invert pan into wire rack immediately and cool completely.
5. To release cake from pan, carefully run a thin knife around sides of pan, then invert. For easier handling, wrap your cake very well in cling film, then refrigerate overnight before frosting.

Mango Whipped Cream Frosting:
2 cups whipping or thickened cream, very cold
1 250g bar of cream cheese, soft but still cold
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
about 3 medium-sized mangoes (more if you love mangoes!)

*Make sure your mixing bowl and beaters for the whipped cream are all well chilled to achieve better volume.

Puree mango meat of one mango.  Set aside.

In a small bowl, beat the cream cheese until smooth.  Set aside.

In your chilled bowl and using clean beaters, beat the whipping cream, sugar and vanilla until the mixture is quite stiff. Gently fold in the cream cheese then beat again at high speed for a few seconds or just until everything is well combined.  Be careful not to overbeat.  Carefully fold in the mango puree.

To assemble:

Cut up the rest of your mangoes into small cubes or thin slices (whichever you prefer) to use for the filling and for garnishing.

Place one cake layer on your cake board, top side up. Use some of the frosting to fill the cake.  Scatter the mango cubes/slices all over the filling.  Place the top cake layer over the bottom layer, bottom side up.  Frost the cake with the remaining whipped cream frosting, decorate as desired and garnish with more mango cubes/slices.

Now that's one refreshing summer cake!
Best served cold.  Enjoy!

PS. You can substitute the mangoes with peaches and have a Peaches and Cream cake instead!  Just as yummy!